Reasons to visit Greece: As being told by tourist/expats

Reasons to visit Greece: As being told by tourist/expats

Because  of my profession i spent a lot of time online scanning through the internet and looking about …more or less everything that i need at that time. It gave me great pleasure to read a post in on the impressions of tourists for Greece.

Quora is a question-and-answer site where questions are asked, answered, edited, and organized by its community of users.  Basically you can go and ask more or less anything you want and people from the community will

The art of cooking an octopus

The art of cooking an octopus

Watching an octopus hanging out of a tavern in Greece is  one  of the iconic photos -at least for me- of my country during summertime. The bigger it is the better chances this tavern has to convince to go and sit in one of its tables.

Eating an octopus in any different way its one my favorite dishes during summer.  However, it is also one of the most difficult to cook especially if you decide to grill it or boil it.

5 Customs you can experience in Greece during Easter

5 Customs you can experience in Greece during Easter

During Easter, events and Christian customs take place to celebrate Easter, the most important celebration of Christianity all over Greece. Have you wondered how it is celebrated in different regions of Greece? There are some very special customs that you will meet in different parts of the country. In this post  I stand out a few and present them to you.

The celebration take place this year on Sunday 8th of April.

What is the “Greek Food”

What is the “Greek Food”

In the past 5 years i keep this blog i tried to have an open mind on other cuisines but also tried to learn a bit more about the origin of the Greek cuisine and what is exactly that characterised it.  It is important to know what distinguish one cuisine from another not because you want to put your mark on a recipe but because you want to understand a bit more about the history of the people and the country.